
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Something that I read this morning...

" My wife and I watched David as he progress from the smallest slide to the medium to the biggest. She wanted me to go help David but I waited.

David spent a few minutes at the bottom of the huge slide. In his young imagination, it must have reached to the clouds. He watched a teenage boy hurtling down. Against all odds, he decided to try. Step by step, hand over hand, he inched up the ladder. He hadn't reached a third of the way when he froze. By this time, the teenager was coming up behind him and yelled at him to get going. But David couldn't. He couldn't go up or down. He had reached the point of certain failure.I rushed over. "Are you ok, son?" I asked from the bottom of the ladder.He looked down at me, shaken but clinging to that ladder with steely determiniation.

And I could tell he had a question ready."Dad, will you come down the slide with me?" he asked. "Why, son?" I asked, peering up into his little face."I can't do it without you, Dad," he said, trembling. "It's too big for me!"I stretched as high as I could to reach him and lifted him into my arms. Then we climbed that long ladder up the the clouds together.

At the top, I put my son between my legs and wrapped my arms around him. then we went zipping down the slide together, laughing all the way.That is what your Father's Hand is like. You tell Him, "Father, please do this in me because I can't do it alone! It's too big for me!" And you step out in faith to do and say things that could only come from His hand. Afterwards, your spirit shouting, God did that, nobody else!God carried me, gave me the words, gave me the power - and it is wonderful!

2Cor 3 : 5 - 6"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant" "
