is it another program of the church?
At first I think it is not... after I spoke to someone, I thot it is.But.. is it possible that the same principle apply? The Bible says as the man thinketh, so is if I think it is another program, it will soon be over, I will treat it as a program - be a spectator.If I think it is not and God is wanting to do a work, I will be a participant even if the rest choose to sit on the sideline.Whatever it is, each time I think of this "year of transformation" thingy,the song -
O Breath of God, come breathe within.
There must be more than this:
Spirit of God, we wait for You.
Fill us anew, we pray;
Fill us anew,we pray.
Consuming fire, fan into flame
A passion for Your name.
Spirit of God,fall in this place.
Lord, have Your way,
Lord, have Your way with us.
Come like a rushing wind,
Clothe us with power from on high.
Now set the captives free;
Leave us abandoned to Your praise.
Lord, let Your glory fall;
Lord, let Your glory fall.
As I copied the song onto this ... the following words caught my attention"come breathe WITHIN" -"let the Lord have His Way in me"...and...."THERE MUST BE MORE"If it is just a gimmick.. a program, wouldn't it be easier to have something easier, why have transformation? So a tough thing. Have got to "internalise" it... let the breath of God breathe WITHIN me to bring about a change in my life. and not miss the "more" that God wants to bring about.