
Care & Share 2008

When God calls... God indeed provide.

For the 1st time, I was asked to be the Regional Coordinator for the event.

Would have turn down the "offer" if not for the overwhelming peace that filled my heart.

I started off not knowing where to start but God provided
1. An advisor who went through the "whole process" of planning with me.
2. Committee members who are placed in the right role. Who were my "brains" - help me think through and work through
3. Idea - to enthrone Him before the start of the event. that we will not think it is our own effort but we need to depend on Him
A "levite" was there to lead the way(worship)
An "priest"(intercessor) to pray for the event.
4. 306 elderlies to attend

Looking back, I am thankful to God for
1. His Faithfulness
2. the opportunity to work with people I do not know and now I know
3. being able to labour together with good friends.
4. Healing - 1st time I recovered so fast from migraine
5. pastor who dares to take the risk. imagine putting a "big project" into the hands of someone who knows nothing about it and letting me work with my friends who may come up with "strangest" idea on earth. I wonder if he was praying "real hard" everyday. ; p
6. seeds of the Gospel that were sowed in the hearts of the elderly.

Thank God.
